Archives: Sub Pillars

Information security

Information is a valuable asset and security of information is fundamental to MTN’s daily operations and success.

We therefore protect our information from a wide range of threats and continuously seek improvement in our information and cybersecurity systems. The scope of information security encompasses all MTN facilities, Group functions, information assets, employees, contractors and third parties.

Our Operations Security Policy establishes appropriate controls to prevent unauthorised access, misuse or failure of the information systems and equipment and to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Information security and business resilience teams ensure cybersecurity controls are implemented by all our operating companies. This includes cyber crisis management plans, which are updated annually. Internal audit, external audit and other assurance providers regularly assure the controls are in place.

A 2021 evaluation of MTN’s Secure Behaviour Index improved to 89% from 87.3% in 2020, maintaining a consistent trend of improvement since MTN began participating in 2017. The 2021 Secure Behaviour Index evaluation places MTN above its industry peers.

Responsible supply chain

We rely on a multifaceted and multi-layered global supply chain to provide affordable and reliable products and services to our customers. To meet this objective, we work with suppliers and partners who share our commitment to high ethical standards and operate in a responsible manner.

Our group supplier base is managed through a rigorous end-to-end supplier management framework, which includes the identifying vendors, onboarding, due diligence and performance management. We require all our suppliers to have sustainable business practices in place and to adhere to a Code of Conduct as part of their agreement with MTN.

Fraud Management

MTN clearly states its expectations and requirements relating to the prohibition, recognition, reporting and investigation of suspected fraud, corruption, misappropriation and other similar irregularities in our policies. We maintain a fraud-free culture within MTN. We ensure that all employees, suppliers and partners are made aware of our Fraud policies and procedures through our various internal communication channels.

MTN’s Whistleblowing policy places a greater emphasis on creating a conducive environment for confidential and anonymous reporting to ensure no retaliation of any kind against anyone who makes a good faith report about possible misconduct or legal violations.

Risk Management

Given the unique impacts and dependencies of sustainability-related risks, enterprise risk management structures and processes are in place to identify, assess, manage, monitor and communicate these risks. We established an ESG risk framework based on various ISO standards, with risk owners, operating structures, reporting lines, end-to-end ERM and strategic drivers identified to improve oversight and collaboration. The ESG risk framework includes a curated sustainability risk register with mitigating factors. Monthly operational tracking and quarterly reviews are undertaken to manage ESG risks effectively.

Emissions profile

We are committed to protecting our planet and achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040

In line with the Paris Agreement scenario of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, MTN has set out to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions by 2040. This is 10 years earlier than the objective set by the GSMA global telecoms industry body.

As part of ensuing alignment with the verification requirements of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), we adjusted our baseline year to 2021 and updated our datasets accordingly. This resulted in a slight change to our medium-term target from 47% to a 50% reduction by 2030 and maintaining our long-term target of Net Zero by 2040.

As part of our commitment to protect the planet, we achieved a 13.9% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions (tCO2e) in 2022, against a reduction target for the year of 3.5%. This number excludes MTN South Africa, which was impacted by severe loadshedding in the year. Including South Africa, the Group achieved a 9.85% reduction in Scope 1 and 2.

Project Zero

MTN Project Zero’s vision is to promote environmentally conscious business and reduce GHG emission across our operations.

To realise our Net Zero targets, MTN has launched our Project Zero programme to leverage the latest technologies and service partners so as to enable business sustainability via greater energy efficiencies, low-carbon emissions, risk reduction and cost control.

The programme prioritises renewable solutions, efficient emerging technologies and energy storage.

Our individual operating companies are in the process of developing Project Zero strategies to enable us to meet our Group-wide Net Zero target by 2040. Project Zero not only exemplifies our commitment, but also creates a common language and target to ensure GHG emission reduction conversations are pervasive across our footprint.

Project Zero is aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C as well as UN SDG 7 – affordable and clean energy; and 13 – climate action.

Supplier collaboration

Most of our emissions are not direct emissions from MTN-owned or MTN-controlled sources. We recognise that our Scope 3 emissions targets can only be achieved through strong collaboration with our partners.

MTN believes in the power of partnerships, therefore it is essential that we engage with our suppliers chain to reduce the impact on energy use and associated Scope 3 GHG emissions.

We have strengthened our commitment to reducing our total impact, by including Scope 3 emissions targets in Project Zero. We also work with key towerco partners to ensure they are committed to Net Zero, which will, in turn, drive a reduction in MTN’s Scope 3 emissions.

In 2021, we called on our suppliers to set a science-based GHG-reduction target for their organisations and publicly communicate their commitment. We are encouraging our partners to embed GHG emission reduction at both product development and service delivery level.

Climate governance

Climate action is imperative to secure future socioeconomic development in Africa. MTN’s Board is therefore committed to ensuring that climate change issues are carefully integrated into the Group’s strategy and operations.

In February 2022, MTN became a Taskforce Recommendations on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) supporter, indicating that we believe that the TCFD recommendations provide a useful framework to increase transparency on climate-related risks and opportunities. By publicly declaring support for the TCFD and its recommendations, we intend to demonstrate the actions we are taking to build a more resilient financial system through climate-related disclosure.

Our governance of climate change-related issues is driven from the highest level within the Group through our appointment of Nkululeko Sowazi as a designated climate change Board member responsible for climate change-related issues. His appointment further supports our commitment to continuous improvement.


Local content

MTN Group’s aspirations in shaping the local character in the jurisdictions which has MTN operations. MTN seeks to provide a meaningful contribution in the growth of these economies by ensuring that its procurement, recruitment, skills development, community development, small to medium enterprise, supplier development and ownership transactions reflect a local, regional or Pan-African profile to the fullest extent possible.